
The Sartell Historical Society was incorporated in 2007. It is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization holding an institutional membership with the Minnesota Historical Society. 

We would like to develop a Heritage Center for the city of Sartell.


We have added a new page "Help Us Identify"  check it out and see if you have any answers

We are looking for members/volunteers to join the Sartell Historical Society

The group is open to any person(s) who has an interest in the history of the city of Sartell.  

We have been collecting artifacts that pertain to the history of Sartell. These artifacts need to be photographed. If you like taking pictures with your cell phone this would be a great opportunity for you.  The artifacts need to be inventoried. Are you a person that likes detail and learning about historical artifacts? This would be of interest to you.  If you are interested in learning about how to do these activities email us with your contact information.  historicalsartell@gmail.com   

We welcome people to join our group. We meet at the Sartell Community Center in the first room on the right. Meetings are currently held the third Monday of every month at 7:00pm and will last one hour. Come when you can.  If you would like to join and the time doesn't work let us know. 

Does your group need to do volunteer hours ? 

Archiving and inventory would be a great opportunity

"The panoramic image was taken in March 2012, a couple of months before the mill explosion and fire.  A wide angle lens was used to create five digital images that were merged together. The resulting  panoramic view distorts Riverside Avenue into a curve. The mill photo was taken around sunset from a meeting room of the second floor of the DeZurik building across the river from the mill.

River view taken with wide angle lens from Sartell Bridge.

Photo Credit: Joe Ormsby, St. Cloud"

Here is a link to a song that Minnesota musician Emmet Doyle wrote and sang about the Paper Mill

The Board of Trustees Meeting is Monday, February 10th at 7:00.  Members are welcome.

Please join us for Winter Haven Memories, History Talk on Wednesday, February 12th at 6:00.

I have attached the June 10th Classic Car Show, Save the Date information. The Sartell Historical Society is partnering with the Sartell Senior Connection, Trucks and Tunes, hosting a car show .  If you have a car, truck or motorcycle that you enjoy sharing with the community, please let me know.  Car show details coming soon.   

Feb. 5 Sartell Senior Connection March/April

Newsletter deadline

Feb. 10, 7:00 pm Board of Trustees Meeting, members welcome.

Feb. 12, 6:30 pm History talk, topic TBA

Mar. 17, 9:30 am History Talk. Scott DeZurik, DeZurik History.

Mar. 17, 7:00 pm Board of Trustees Meeting, members welcome.

Note: The deadline for 2025 membership dues is Feb. 15, 2925.

All events/meetings are held at the Community Center unless

otherwise stated.